
Childhood Obesity and BPA

Scary Link: Child Obesity and the BPA in Plastics and Canned Goods

Many prior studies have linked BPA to breast cancer, brain tumor formation, heart disease, and diabetes, now it’s being linked to childhood obesity.

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Are Obesegens making you fat?

Obesogens: Can the Environment Make You Fat?

Is the obesity epidemic a symptom of more than just overindulgence and too little exercise? Some experts believe obesogens are playing a role. Find out what these chemicals are and how they could affect body weight.

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Cheat Day Diet

Cheat Day Diet For Perfect Fat Loss

For anybody who’s having trouble with obesity or overweight and is trying to look for the perfect fat loss diet , the cheat day diet may actually be your lean body secret weapon.

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Drinking Water for Weight Loss

Drinking Water and Weight Loss; How H2O Can Help You Lose Fat Fast

How does drinking water help you lose weight, and are there any special tricks you need to know in order to maximize your progress?

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Keep A Healthy Weight

The Skinny on Weight and Your Heart

Did you know that it’s your heart that will suffer under all the weight? Here are a few facts about weight and your heart.

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GERD and Overweight

GERD is Common if You Are Overweight

If you are overweight, losing as little as ten or fifteen pounds could improve your symptoms of GERD.

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Overweight on Airlines

The Social Stigma of Being Overweight

It is so tough for overweight people these days; if you watch TV or read magazines, you know that everybody wants to be thin.

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Atkins Diet

Atkins Diet Review

Many nutritionists and medical experts have gone on record and forcefully objected to the Atkins philosophy on weight loss ..

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Low Self Esteem From Overweight

Weight and Self-Esteem

Of course there are many things an obese or overweight person could do to improve his self-esteem. For starters they can seek out

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