5 Ways to Lower Your Risk of High Blood Pressure
Do you have high blood pressure? It is a risk factor for heart disease. Use these five methods to lower yours.
How Cholesterol Affects Your Heart
You may know something about cholesterol, but keep reading to find out how it can be unfriendly to your heart.
Living a Heart Healthy Life – Introduction
The more you know about heart disease, the more you can do to prevent it and live a long and healthy life.
Atkins Diet Review
Many nutritionists and medical experts have gone on record and forcefully objected to the Atkins philosophy on weight loss ..
Jenny Craig Diet Program
Jenny Craig started in 1983 by providing frozen meals to its clients as a means of food management. Jenny Craig now offers a 3-pronged, well-balanced approach to weightloss.
Knee Replacement Surgery
Although knee replacement surgery is commonly done in people who are overweight because they are more prone to knee problems, this type of surgery is not recommended for
Diagnosing Irritable Bowel Syndrome
If you are, or you suspect you are experiencing irritable bowel syndrome, it is important for you to go see your physician.
Symptoms Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is mainly a health issue associated with the colon, where the colon eliminates the water from unprocessed food waste. Because of this, people with IBS may experience …