Cardiovascular Health

Cholesterol Medicines

Cholesterol Drugs

A wholesome way of life is the very first line of defense against high cholesterol. Sometimes, however, diet and exercise alone are not sufficient, and a person might have to consider cholesterol medications

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Exercising to Manage High Blood Pressure

Safe Workouts For Managing High Blood Pressure

There is a reverse correlation between high blood pressure and physical exercise; those who workout frequently are less prone to acquiring this problem.

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LDL and HDL Cholesterol

The Main Kinds Of Cholesterol And Their Differences

Lipoproteins are classified as high density, low density, or very low density, depending on how much protein there exists in relation to fat.

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Heart Doctor

Participate in Your Own Heart Health

Having a healthy heart is everyone’s responsibility, but mostly our own. Your doctor can help but you have to help too. Here are some ways that you can work together to keep your body healthy.

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Healthy and Happy

Conclusion of The Healthy Heart Plan

The only person who can help you reduce your risk of heart disease is yourself. Yes, some heart disease is genetic but even genetics can benefit from good preventive efforts.

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Lower Your Blood Pressure

Meals Which Help Improve High Blood Pressure

It has been shown that a wholesome diet which contains high levels of potassium, magnesium, and calcium can help lower and help manage high blood pressure

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Potassium for a Healthy Heart

Can Potassium Help Your Heart?

Sodium is not good for you in large doses. It affects your blood pressure and, by extension, your heart. But, what about potassium? Can it help your heart?

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Heart Health and Drinking

Stress and Heart Disease

Into each life a little stress must fall. Stress is a part of life but, left unmanaged, it can damage your body – especially your heart. Learn about the correlation between stress and heart disease.

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Heathy Heart Foods

Eating Your Way to a Healthy Heart

You are what you eat, literally. Change what you put into your body and you will not only change the way you look but how your insides function. Here are some choices for delicious tasting foods that have less fat.

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Exercise and Your Heart

As we age, every part of our bodies is affected, including our heart. Regular exercise can keep your heart strong and pumping.

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