healthy diet

Joann Gillette

Mom Was Right – Eat Your Fruits and Veggies

This is my BFF’s Aunt Joann! She recently had a stroke (end of March 2014), and was featured in this local newscast about eating fruits and veggies to cut your risk of stroke.

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Quick and Healthy Breakfasts

Sixteen Quick and Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Kids and Adults

Here sixteen nutritional breakfast ideas that are perfect for anyone with a hectic morning schedule.

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How to Get Your Kids to Eat Their Vegetables

Review of Mitch Spinach: Helping Kids Love Fruits & Vegetables

Mitch Spinach is just the guy that can get your kids to eat their fruits and vegetables.

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Keep A Healthy Weight

The Skinny on Weight and Your Heart

Did you know that it’s your heart that will suffer under all the weight? Here are a few facts about weight and your heart.

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The Jenny Craig Diet

Jenny Craig Diet Program

Jenny Craig started in 1983 by providing frozen meals to its clients as a means of food management. Jenny Craig now offers a 3-pronged, well-balanced approach to weightloss.

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